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Family of Faith at St. Andrew's:

It is your favorite time of year!! No, not so much the colors of God's rainbow among the trees! No, it's not Halloween, or fall weather, football games or elections!!! It's time for Stewardship and the filling out of our giving cards and returning those promptly! This is important for the life of your congregation. 

As you know, we take the giving cards totaled together and make the budget for the coming year. While we are in unprecedented times, God still calls each of us to give. If you do a topical study of what Jesus teaches in Scripture, you will find that money is the number one topic. I believe because the Lord knew how much money would affect our individual lives and the lives of the world around us.  

Did you know that the word "stewardship" means "the job of supervising or taking care of something." You and I are supervising, or taking care of our finances and God is calling. For many, money is a daily struggle now more than ever, and we pray for people in difficulty. Fighting over money is one of the top reasons couples divorce. It's a daily battle for many families fighting with each other, and it is tough in many places. I understand this and yet encourage you to pray before you write down a number.  

I want to encourage you to give as God leads you to give. Did you know that if you raise your weekly giving even just $5 more, collectively, it will make a huge difference in the budget we can put together for the Lord's work in Speedway? Give this more than a quick thought, pray about this and talk to others at church or in your family. God has "givan" us so much, we are called to give back to God. This is a decision between you and the Lord.  

Thank you in advance for your generous giving this year and for the upcoming year. In Matthew 6:21 "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." With hearts pointed to God, we give.  

In thanks giving,  

Pastor Doug and the Church Council

Here's how you can submit your pledge:

This year we will be making our pledges online using, just like you can give online at any time to St. Andrew's. You can access the form by going to our website and clicking on "Give" in the top right. The link is in the box that says "2020 Pledge Campaign." You can also click on the direct link HERE.