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In a movie out years ago called Stuart Little, the opening scene has the little boy actor running out of his bedroom shouting "It's today, It's today!" This sets the scene for the movie, and maybe for us as well?? If we can also yell every morning "It's today, It's today" we can lower anxiety about tomorrow. We can also remove the guilt over the past when we failed to do what God would have us do in ministry.

There is a favorite Bible verse of mine in Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!" The exclamation point is mine to emphasize the importance of this Biblical fact. This is the only day we have, we have no control over two major days in our lives: yesterday and tomorrow!

Slow down, friends, rest, breathe, and live into this great day. Stir the pot, move furniture around, re-decorate, dance around your home and exercise (consult your physician), paint, journal, pray, call someone. Don't just sit there today, get moving this is the only day we have and all the chaos in the world will eventually go away and all will be well!


  • While the weather permits, we will have outdoor services each Sunday at 9am.
  • Laundry and Friends are seeking volunteers. Please call MaryLee.
  • Reach out if you are interested in the digital service on DVD.
  • Joyce Yockey has now taken over the emailed Prayer Chain.
  • Greater Indy Habitat seeking volunteers for a build in September - see our website for info
  • The Storehouse is still accepting donations.
  • Rotary Club is collecting books for prisoners - see Phil and your email for more info!