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Family of faith at St. Andrews:
From my heart to all of you, I send my blessings for this new year! I pray God will deepen your spiritual walk with the Lord, I pray that you and yours will be healthy and well in all things. I pray for our congregation, that God would continue this good work God started over 80 years ago. I pray for our new folks who have come to be with us: Karen and Henry Havlik, Anne Demaree-Cullen, Pat and Tony Guedel, and Jim and Missy Thiele among others! Join me in prayer for each other, those who will join us new, and for God's work to continue. In this new year, let us pray! Amen.
1) Worship service times have changed, we move to 11 a.m. If you are someone who prefers the earlier time slot you are always welcomed to worship at Faith at 9 a.m. Sunday school/Adult Ed begin at 10 a.m. starting this Sunday the 8th.
2) Annual Reports due! If you serve as lead for one of our ministry areas of church your annual report is due to MJ in the church office. 
3) Annual Congregational Meeting, Sunday, the 29th, after services. Meal provided, come and join your family of faith to do the business of our beloved church!
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug