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Good day St Andrews Lutheran:
This is the Holiest of weeks in the Christian church! In our world today, most hurry toward Easter forgetting we still have to go thru Maundy Thursday and Good Friday! While we celebrate new outfits, Easter bunnies and baskets, candy and the like we forget that we cannot get to Easter without going through the Cross of Good Friday. Thus, we are in Holy Week!
Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday is April 6th. Maundy is from the Latin meaning "Commandment." This night comes from John 13 where Jesus washes the feet of the disciples the night he was betrayed. He gives the new commandment for us today: "Let us love one another."
Jesus then models that tremendous love of God for all the world by dying on a cross, a horrific way to die. Jesus shows us how to love, to lay down our lives for another. Good Friday, April 7th, is a day of contemplation, prayer, and peace. Many have the day off. Many are on Spring Break, and many (around the world) will gather around the cross and pray. 
Invite someone to come with you, rejoice and be glad Easter is coming! A blessed Holy Week and Easter to you all.
1) Agape (love) dinner Thursday at Faith at 6 p.m. Come and witness the "night Jesus was betrayed" with your brothers and sisters in Christ from both churches. 
2) Good Friday service at St Andrews, 7 p.m. We will hear/reflect/and sing around the 7 last recorded words of Jesus from the Cross. The service goes from light to dark, and we leave in silence. 
3) Easter sunrise service at 7:16 a.m. at Faith, and/or breakfast at St. Andrews 9-10, worship at 11. This Easter celebration of the Resurrection will celebrate new life with the baptisms of Kilmer and Skyler Hermerding (two youngest of Matt and Ashleigh, grandchildren of Jeannie)! 

God bless you!
Pastor Doug Givan