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Everyone I've talked with felt like the service Saturday for Dale Willman was among the best they had experienced! The fact that Dale wrote the music was one thing, but that he asked his sons to play their trumpets was another! He selected the verses that were read from the Bible that were very meaningful. Ed did a tremendous job playing and when he couldn't sing the "I believe" many of us filled in and sang along with that wonderful song. 


There were so many flowers including the yellow roses that Chris said they had at their wedding. By the time you read this, we will have laid Dale to rest at the cemetery. I think that term "laid to rest" is so fitting. Dale, now at rest, resides in Heaven with his Heavenly Father forever and ever. And all God's people said, Amen!


P.S. Thanks and praise to Jan and the fellowship team that put all the food together. An estimated count was over 100 people were fed! Many worked behind the scenes to make the service and the meal happen, all to the glory of God. It's what we do as St. Andrew’s Lutheran church.




  • Clothes Closet this Saturday, 10-12, volunteers (especially with keys) needed as I have a funeral Saturday for Don Damrow from Faith. Please let me know if you can cover.


  • Congregational Meeting, September 24th, after church for all members.

Packets of information are available starting this Sunday at church (for these next two Sundays, 10th and 17th) and they will also be mailed.


  • Happy Grandparents Day!! This Sunday, the 10th, is National Grandparents

Day! Congratulations and God bless all of our grandparents who provide a special kind of love for their grandchildren!



God be with you until we meet again!


+Pastor Doug