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I have continued to urge us to always remember we are a praying family of faith. We offer prayers to God to and for each other every day especially in times of need. As always, we have some folks in need of our prayers remembering what God says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, I will hear their prayers and heal their land."
Healing the land is the same today as healing our least of the worry, stress and fear. Prayer is a gift God gives for us to be in communication with the Holy, a wonderful blessing. Please pray for Pat Charlesworth, hospitalized at IU West and for Bobbie Moore and Crystal Wall dealing with cancer. Pray for Suzanne DeBoer after a second fall breaking her wrist! Let us always pray for our congregation and for God's guidance and direction! And all God's people said ...."AMEN!"
1) Tomorrow, Thursday, we gather at church to pack and prepare food for Wheeler Elementary. Please contact Karen Hill for questions and feel free to come over to church around 1:15, or to the school at 1:50 to help distribute. We pray (see above) for the students, teachers and staff of Wheeler.
2) Clothes Closet Saturday, the 14th, 10-12. Pat is asking for extra volunteers to assist clients with trying on coats and finding their size. We anticipate moving into fellowship hall so there will be more room. Help is needed!
3) Mark your calendar for October 29th, 10 a.m. for Reformation Day Joint Worship services (wear red!) and our Chili cookoff! Days of fellowship events like this are excellent ways to invite a friend to come with you! 
Grace and Peace, Pr. Doug
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug