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In this impersonable world, I am so glad our God is personal! God loves YOU, just as you are. God knows us inside and out and loves us anyway. God knows our pains, our struggles, our prayers, wants and needs. God is personal, and really needs to be the only thing in life we take personally!
The Bible talks about knowing us in our mothers womb! (Jeremiah 1:5). If God can know us as and before we were created, how much more God loves us today and knows us intimately. I once heard it described that is why we sometimes have sleepless nights! God says "Now I have your attention, listen to me!" In the Gospel of Mark 9:2-9 from this past Sunday God says about Jesus: "This is my Son, whom I love, listen to Him!" Listen, my friends, to the Lord of life who wants a relationship with us!
Today's Midweek Moment is about getting clutter out of the way! Not only is it a great feeling to take a box of clutter from our home and donate, it's all the more so with our spiritual clutter! What's in the way of this God of love claiming and naming YOU as the one God loves?

1) The Stewardship season is underway! Mary Lee gave us a temple talk on the topic of Time. This coming Sunday, Jim Patton on Talent followed by Gordon Keller on Treasure. Stewardship is about management. As you "manage" your finances and giving at church pray about God's call on your life. If each of us raise our on line and in person giving it will make a big difference in the dollars we have for ministry. 
2) The fourth quarter Ministry is our Clothes Closet! We pray for Pat Tumey, Karen Havlik, the Holtmans, and Hermerdings (among others) for helping run the CC. Donations are now needed for children's clothing of all types and coats welcomed as well. Please drop items off in the back hallway of church, and feel free to come and volunteer on the 28th, our next CC! Weekday help is needed as well, please contact Pat for more information. 
3) Joint Worship, Reformation and Chili Cookoff October 29th, at 10 a.m. Please note the time change and the fact there will be on Adult/Children's Bible study or Sunday School. Bring your chili recipe and enjoy fellowship with our friends from Faith. 
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug