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Monday, December 7, 2020

The story goes, a man had a dream and was offered a tour of heaven and hell. The director said, "Let me show you hell first." So they went to this large room and opened the door. Everyone was sitting around this big pot of soup, starving to death; they were saddened, crying out, and despair was all around. They said, "We were given these long handled spoons, and we can't feed ourselves." It was dark and ominous. 

So the tour continued to Heaven to a room the same as the other one. A large room with people sitting around a big pot of soup. Only in this room, there was laughter, joy, and happiness as the people were rejoicing being together. It was the same long spoons, but the man noticed they were using the spoons to feed one another!

A good reminder, friends, that we called not to think of ourselves first but of the needs of others. Be aware of how you use your spoons this week! My mid-week moment Wednesday will be about staying connected with our church! How do we feed each other?

God's peace be with you (and also with you),
Pastor Doug


  • Reach out if you are interested in the digital service on DVD.
  • Prayer Chain requests go to Joyce Yockey.
  • The Storehouse continues to accept donations.
  • FBS Tuesdays at 7:00pm via Zoom.
  • In person worship suspended through January 17, 2021