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Monday, February 1, 2021

I did it! I am likely to be the only person who today can say, "I have cleaned out my medicine cabinet!" It has been bothering me for weeks, and it always seems easier to shut the cabinet door and move on to something else. Or maybe my "busy brain" has been focused elsewhere and I don't see the old medicines, unused tubes of whatever, and expired, older prescriptions. These have stayed in the cabinet for nothing short of laziness on my part!

How about looking at our "God Cabinet" today? Is God "bothering" you with something you need to give attention to? Are you and I so busy brained we overlook our prayer time, knowing we are a few days behind in viewing worship videos?? When I clean like this I take everything out, clean and then replace. As I tossed things into my bathroom trash, I wondered what can I "toss" that has expired in my spiritual life?? Couldn't we toss "guilt" that you and I aren't good enough? Can't we toss "pressure" to do and be more? And we can toss "sense of control over life" friends. We can't control these outside forces, all we can control is our own outlook. I love my medicine cabinet now; I feel I know where I am with meds, etc. 

Famous author and Dallas, Texas Pastor Chuck Swindoll is known for a brilliant quote on Attitude:

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of ATTITUDE on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than the facts; I am convinced that life is 10 % what happens to us and 90% how I react to it."  

The now "fresh" feeling for my medicine cabinet may sound silly, but it has application to our daily living. What aren't you seeing around you because your brain is so "busy?" What needs tossed? We know the Good News, friends, that God cleanses us in Christ, tosses and forgives the old sin, and renews us in mind, body, and spirit. Rejoice now in your cleaned out new heart and love the Lord your God with all you have! Amen.

Save the Date: Imposition of Ashes Drive Thru
With Pastor Doug Wearing a Mask and Gloves

What: Drive thru and receive an ashen shaped cross on your forehead to mark beginning of Lent:

When/Where Option 1: Faith Lutheran - February 17th 11am-12pm

When/Where Option 2: St. Andrew’s Lutheran - February 17th 1pm-2pm

All will be well, 
Pr. Doug


  • Office Hours 10-4, T-W-TH
  • Reach out if you are interested in the digital service on DVD.
  • Prayer Chain requests go to Joyce Yockey.
  • The Storehouse continues to accept donations.
  • FBS Tuesdays at 7:00pm via Zoom.
  • Midweek Moment Wednesdays 12pm.
  • In person worship suspended through February 14, 2021.
  • Worship will be “live” on Facebook and our website at 9am with an email to follow.
  • Ash Wednesday February 17 Virtual Service 7pm.