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Tuesday, February 1, 2022 

The upcoming NFL Super Bowl will be all the sporting news until Feb. 13th! (And even after!!). The two teams are the Cincinnati Bengals and LA Rams. I have enjoyed these NFL playoffs and will watch the SB like everyone else (mainly for commercials, lol). I am disappointed our Indianapolis Colts aren't playing, but it's fun to watch and not really have interest in how the game goes!

Have you ever watched a sporting event, or a movie, or even read a book where you already knew how it ended? Years ago, I remember an IU basketball game that was very important. I had a wedding at that same time, and as I drove home from out of town I listened to the game and IU won! I remember coming home and playing back the recording of the game, fully aware of the ending! It was far less stressful and more relaxing when you know how the game ends! 

It is the same thing for us in our Christian lives!! WE KNOW HOW THIS GAME (LIFE) ENDS!! It ends with us winning, where the Lord welcomes us home with the fans in the stands cheering. And we hear the Coach say, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" What rejoicing there will be! Knowing how the game ends, friends, makes this life far less stressful and much more relaxing! 

Why worry and doubt and be so anxious all the time?? In Jesus, God has won the game for us, and we know the ending.  

"Now may our God and Father himself...establish your hearts as blameless in holiness before our Lord Jesus with all the saints."

1 Thessalonians 3: 11-13


1) Council elections just took place and congratulations to our new President, Jan Smith! New VP is Jennifer Baker, and Secretary Michael Steurer. Nadine Coles stays on as Treasurer,  thank you,  Nadine. Please pray for them and Audra, Suzy, Mark, and Mary Lee! 

2) The Council also voted to reopen for in person worship Feb. 13th, at 9 a.m. We will have all our standard precautions in place with no singing, etc. The FM transmitter will be in place, so you can listen in the parking lot as well that day. Thank you to Kelli (and others) for help editing the videos.

3) Be weather aware! Warnings are out for this week, keep an eye out. We will likely get snow, ice, etc.

You are a winner! Play the game of life "all in!"

Pastor Doug