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Last Sunday morning, I awoke, and it was a day where it would have been nice just to stay in bed! (But I don't have the option, like you do, lol). But then I got to thinking about who I was going to see! And I was immediately stirred with a longing to be with my family of faith at St. Andrew's! To see:
*Ed and Mark warming up playing the hymns for the day
*Jamie Shake sitting up the altar area
*Amanda Hunter getting the Facebook Live set up going
*Jennifer Baker to chant the liturgy
*John Charlesworth in a business suit ready to usher as he has for over 50 years
*Pat Tumey who works so hard in the Clothes Closet
*Jan Smith, who works so hard all the time for our ministry
I could go on with the list, but you get the point. Our family was coming together, and it was time to worship together. I hope you feel something similar when you come in. Church isn't something we "have" to do, but "get" to do! God has given us the freedom to worship and come together freely and safely to worship our God. It's what we do at St. Andrew's every week!
1) Pray, drop notes in the mail, stop over with food/soup, reach out to our fellow family members in need: Kenny Smith, having just lost his wife, Bobbie Moore, Crystal Wall, and Dale Willman suffering with cancer! It's what we do for and with each other.
2) This is a big vacation time for many. Please remember your church as you travel and be sure to go into your online giving account and increase your donation. We are at the halfway point of the year, and many of us probably don't even think about our online giving. Small increases over time can make a big difference.   
3) Clothing Closet comes up again July 8th, please sign up to help and/or donate clothing or hangers anytime. Talk to Pat Tumey for details. 
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug