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The Annual Reports are due and being prepared for the Annual Meeting. In these reports, all who prepare them attempt to sum up the activity and highlights of the respective ministry for 2023. It's actually kind of fun to prepare these. I went back through and read each of my monthly reports and put together the AR easily enough. 


In each of the previous Annual Reports I conclude them in the same way, a quote from Swedish Economist Dag Hammarskjold. I love this quote, it frames my license plate on my car. This quote was found in his basic writings and I hope you find it meaningful as I do. 


He wrote: “For all that has been, Thanks.” To me this means he is simply saying what the Apostle Paul tells us in Thessalonians.."give thanks in all circumstances!" So, for all that was for St. Andrews in 2023 we say thank you! The second part of his quote is even better! He wrote: “To all that shall be, YES!” (Caps mine!). What a wonderful way to look forward to all that will come in 2024: YES!


Let's together say "Yes" to whatever God has for us this year and in the future. Let's say "yes" to the future, to new ways of doing ministry, and yes to staying together as a family of faith! Join me, friends, in saying "YES!" to the future. 


God bless you, 

Pastor Doug




  • Our first Clothes Closet of the new year is Saturday, 10-12! Volunteers, drop ins always welcomed.


  • Congregational Meeting January 28th after service. We will approve our budget, vote on Council and enjoy great food and fellowship. All of our members are encouraged to come and be present. 


  • Pastor Doug is here for you! Are you struggling with an issue, family matter or health concern, please give me a call, email or text. I've consistently made myself available since I began as your Pastor. My cell phone is next to my bed, and your call to talk, your call with congregational questions, your anything is why I am here! Please reach out, I am here for you!


God be with you until we meet again!


+Pastor Doug