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This Sunday is an important Sunday in the life of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church. All members are asked to attend our worship service and stay for the Annual Congregational meeting. We will elect a new Council person and say thank you for serving to Suzy Henschen who is going off Council. We will hear from Brad Long on our budget and deal with any other issues. We will then have a brief presentation from Council President Jan Smith. We will vote together as a family of faith on whether you feel we should sell the building and make plans to worship elsewhere. Or, shall we stay put at the building and work to share space with the community or another congregation. 
Neither of these two options will take place quickly once the vote is completed. It is important to the Council to hear from the congregation. What do you want us to do as we go forward in this year of 2024? We can sell the building, easily, and move elsewhere in town. We do not have a place where we might go, all of these decisions will be made along the way. The congregation would vote to accept an offer for the sale of the building if we vote that direction. Nothing has been decided by Council, myself, nor anyone else about either decision. We have sought input and guidance from Pr. Nancy Nyland, and the IK Synod office. We are praying for the leading of the Lord for such a time as this!  
In the same way, who or how we might share our space if we stay is not known. IF the decision is to stay, then we go about finding a congregation in town (probably of another culture) and work out an agreement to share the space. Many churches in Speedway share their worship space with another congregation. All of this depends on God's leading us as we stay together as a family going forward, either way. Join myself, your Council in prayer as we come together Sunday! Heads up, being proud of our 81 plus years and to rejoice in God's movement in our lives. 
1) Clothes Closet Saturday 10-12, second one this year! If you'd like to help please come by. You can always sign up on the table in narthex/lobby or speak with Pat Tumey. 
2) Congregational meeting and lite brunch Sunday, the 28th, after our 9 a.m. service. We will vote on a new Council with Jim Patton up for election to join Mark Hollman, Jennifer Baker, Lisa Gold, Amanda Hunter, Jamie Shake and Jan Smith. We will also vote and discuss our budget for 2024. Thanks to Brad Long, and the finance team, for their work on the budget. 
3) Please continue to pray for Dennis Wall, just home from the hospital, and Pat Charlesworth at Brownsburg Health Care, and John and the family. Bobbie Moore continuing to fight her cancer and related health concerns. Her son, John, is also in our prayers for his health issues. Pray for Ruth Tingle also home with health concerns. Ruth, like several of our members, were not out in the colder weather for church. 
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug