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Dear St. Andrew's:
As we continue our journey through Lent, I write today to invite you to invite someone to come with you! Reach out to a neighbor (they know you go to church, btw), reach out to a co-worker or someone you know and invite them to come. Offer to pick them up, and maybe get a bite to eat afterwards! Even the Wednesday night mid-week services are ones that are easy to invite someone. 
It's clear to all of us, we need to grow our membership! And you are on the frontlines of us having this growth. Do you know someone in another church in town that might want to merge with us? Are you aware of any of the several international churches meeting around Speedway that might need a building to use? We are available! Some group could easily come in when we are done and use our worship space and then pay us some kind of rent. 
Several of the larger churches in town already do this. They also have multiple support groups using the building! Again, this is something we can do as well. Ask around. Spread the word. Talk to people and see if you can come up with leads for not only new members/disciples, but groups or churches that might like to share our building. We are open to this in our new life together as we grow forward in this Lenten journey. 
Reach out, reach around, ask questions and talk to people in the community. We are open to all the ways God is calling us to share our space and to add to the number of folks joining! Thank you Lord for leading us in the way we should go!
1) Midweek Soup Supper and Worship, tonight, the 28th at 6 supper and 7 worship. All are welcomed.
2) Make plans now for Holy Week! 
*Palm Sunday, March 24th 9 a.m., 
**Holy Thursday, Agape Supper at Faith, 6 p.m., March 28
***Good Friday at St. Andrew's at 7 p.m., March 29
**** Easter, March 31, Holy Sunday Service of the Resurrection at 9 a.m.
         with an Easter morning breakfast at 8 a.m. before service, all welcomed.  
         Faith is hosting a Sunrise service at 7:29 a.m.
3) Noisy Offering this Sunday! Bella needs quarters for laundry, she's a college student and can use our support! She didn't ask for this, but I found out and decided we could help. Thank you in advance for supporting her in thanksgiving for her excellent musical gifts!
Pastor Doug
God be with you until we meet again!