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Good Morning Everyone!
We are at the half way point of Lent today! I talk about this on the Midweek Moment, please take time to listen. If you set an intention for this season of Lent and didn't/haven't I want to urge you to start today. 
Remember, the seasons of the church year allow us to walk with the Lord through his life! 
Advent-beginning of the church new year in looking forward to the birth of Jesus!
Epiphany-Early Ministry
Lent-Journey toward death/Cross
Holy Week-the final days in the life of Jesus centered on Good Friday and the death of Jesus
Easter-Resurrection! He is not dead, but He is Risen, Hallelujah!
Then, the Easter season where we live out his post resurrection life.
Pentecost-The season of the Holy Spirit, God moving in, with, and through us!
(this season of the church is almost half the year)
May this half way point of Lent be a remind of God calling you in close for love, grace and new hope!
1) Tonight, Faith Lutheran, Avon, hosts us for the midweek Lenten soup supper (6) and worship (7)
2) Clothes Closet Saturday, 10-12, volunteers always welcomed especially on a Wednesday afternoon to help sort and place the clothes that have been donated. Please speak with Pat Tumey for more information. 
3) President Jan announced Sunday an interest to engage with each other more often and fellowship! Do you have some ideas for events, game nights, etc. that we could try? Please fill out a 3 X 5 card on the table in narthex/lobby. Let's Grow Together!
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug