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Good Day Friends:
Martin Luther once said "We are all beggars showing other beggars where to find the bread!" I love this quote because the "bread" being mentioned of course is the bread of life! Jesus! Jesus is the bread of life (John 6:35 "I am the bread of life, those who come to me will never hunger..."
We are all hungry for love, grace, hope, forgiveness and all the things God already gives us daily in Jesus! This includes you and me! Consider other "beggars" in your circle of life that you can invite to come with you to church. We welcome all visitors with no pressure to join but only to come and worship and be comfortable. Invite someone to come to Palm Sunday, Easter, or the Good Friday and Agape Supper services. You will give them a blessing and be blessed yourself!
How do you do that? It's a better ask in person, but simply say "Hey, I'm going to my church "_________" and we have a service this week for Holy Week. Would you like to come with me or meet me there? (this "close" of the question gives your friend a choice of two positive choices! Either they are coming with you and you pick them up, or they will meet you there. You give them the address and maybe text an hour before as a reminder! 
Think for a moment how you came to belong to this church...either one. I'll bet someone was involved! I'll be praying for you to be bold, courageous for Jesus and ask. God will show you who to invite. 
1) Last Midweek soup supper and service at Faith Lutheran, Avon
     this Wednesday the 20th: 6pm meal and 7pm service. Come one, come all!
2) Holy Week: 
     Agape' Supper at Faith, Thursday the 28th, 6pm
    Good Friday, at St. Andrew's, Friday the 29th at 7pm.
3) Easter Sunday, March 31, Festival of the Resurrection:
       Sunrise service at Faith  7:29 a.m
        Breakfast at St. Andrew's 8am
        Worship at St. Andrew's 9am
        Worship at Faith   11am.