Good Morning Family of faith at St. Andrews:
Labor day marked the official end of summer and we begin the move into fall. I love the change of seasons here in Indiana. I have often thought I might like to live like in San Diego where I understand it's in the 70's all year around!
No, I would miss the falling leaves and colors of fall, the way the earth sleeps under the winter snow and cold, giving way to the light and new growth of spring, and the sunshine of summer. 
I once read that leaves teach us it's okay to let go. I am sure in this chaotic life today we have much to let go of, or maybe all of it! Let go, friends, we have no control over anything outside of our own bodies. Let go, and get outside to enjoy the change of seasons over the next few weeks. 
God be with you till we meet again, 
Pastor Doug
*P.S.-How can I serve you or yours? Want to visit, can you call or text or email me? I will respond and we can talk in confidence when or where, Peace, PD
  • FBS Volunteers show up at 6:30pm tonight!
  • Outdoor worship on September 13 - see email for more info!
  • Laundry and Friends are seeking volunteers. Please call MaryLee.
  • Reach out if you are interested in the digital service on DVD.
  • Joyce Yockey has now taken over the emailed Prayer Chain.
  • Greater Indy Habitat seeking volunteers for a build in September - see our website for info.
  • The Storehouse is still accepting donations.
  • Rotary Club is collecting books for prisoners - see Phil and your email for more info!