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The 2020 Stewardship Campaign is off and running! Throughout the coming weeks, you will be hearing from members about different aspects of stewardship. Each week you will also receive a resource to use as a devotional to dive deeper into what it means to be good stewards outside of the church walls. Besides the materials that will be provided for adults, children and youth will also be sent some resources to help them and you as a family to learn more together!

The Letter of Love

The theme, “Acting Together,” takes on poignancy as a real-life story that invites learning from a seemingly unlikely source, an elderly Japanese American couple who reflect on the experience of their internment during World War II. Hearers are transported back—via a written letter—to a time when “loving one another” could have been as difficult as survival itself. The unusual context for this sermon compels hearers to connect text, theme, and present-day experiences into a formidable force that frees the world through Jesus’ command, “Love one another.”

Talking about…

  • What is Jesus actually saying here?
  • What is the context of this passage?
  • Name the ways in which Jesus’ imminent departure leads to distilled wisdom and
    an acknowledgement of the subject of death.

To read more about stewardship, download the resource below. This is where today's devotional was adapted from: Make It Simple.