
Mark 13:24-37

Happy New Year! Today marks the beginning of the church calendar on this First Sunday of Advent. We enter into a season of waiting on the birth of Christ once again in our lives. Advent, in the Latin, means "waiting,"  and the color for the season is blue reminding us of the depth of the blue color of the ocean, or the sky above. These images of a forever sky and hundreds of miles of ocean symbolize God's love for us in our waters of baptism, and the grace and love of God everyday in Christ.

This waiting in Advent these 4 weeks before Christmas runs counter cultural to our hurry up, shop, and wrap world! Way back in the late 1980's I sold giftware and called on Hallmark stores. This was the time when they were unveiling their Hallmark Christmas ornaments and began this marketing effort as "Christmas in July!" The season of Advent is designed to push the "tinsel" aside and urge us to slow down and wait remembering the reason for this season.

Jesus in today's Gospel from Mark gives a reminder to stay alert (awake) for we do not know when the owner of the home will be returning. We are to stay alert to ways we can serve the Lord especially at this time of year when so many are in need. Isaiah offers a look at how God leads us in life...."we are the clay, God is the potter!" If you look up that title you will be led toward a beautiful Christian camp song where we ask God to "melt us, and mold us!"

We wait on the Lord at Christmas in these unusual times. We may not be worshipping in person, but we can sure worship "the" person of Jesus Christ from home or wherever. After this season of waiting on Christ we long for our happy new year for 2021 serving the Lord together.

Peace be with you all, Pastor Doug