
Mark 7:32-35

This is the Third Sunday in Lent as we journey together toward the Cross and the resurrection of Easter.

Recall Lent is a word meaning the “lengthening of days” as the days get longer moving toward Spring!

Lent is our season of remembering our sin, feeling sorry for that sin and desiring to change. It is a contemplative season, usually marked by giving up something in our daily lives. Or, adding something into our lives to move us closer to God.

Today our Gospel lesson comes from our Lenten Devotional “A story to tell” going through the story of Jesus as told to us by the Gospel of Mark. Today, a deaf man regains his hearing as his ears are “opened up!” It’s a reminder for us to remain open to the Lord and how God is speaking to us on this Lenten journey. May God bless your worship today, first Sunday in person for Faith Lutheran!

To God be the glory, 


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Lectionary reflections

Nancy Nyland sermon and prayers