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We applied for and received a $2,000 grant from the IK Synod to do something good for our community. The timing is perfect for “God’s Work, Our Hands” the project that Pastor Doug mentioned at worship last Sunday. We have chosen to do a food distribution at Wheeler Elementary School. 

On Thursday, October 8, 2-4pm, we will be at Wheeler, outside on their playground, to offer food to families in need. That date was chosen in order to provide food during the fall break, which is the following week. We know that often kids do not have enough food when school is not in session. Wheeler has about a 77% free and reduced lunch population, so we know the need is great. And we are happy to help! 

And all of us can participate. Our goal is to be able to match that grant and do twice as much! Can you help? If so, please make a donation either through:

  • Putting it in the offering on Sunday, if you are worshipping in person
  • By mailing a check to the church. 

In order to do the shopping, we need your contribution by September 29th. Additionally, you can be a volunteer that day. In order to stay safe from the virus, everyone will be required to wear a mask, gloves will be used and the event is outside. We hope you can help us! If you are able to volunteer that day, please contact Karen Hill, the chairperson of the project.

Be a part of God’s Work, Our Hands and help the families at Wheeler!