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Read Matthew 25:14-30

Jesus wanted his disciples to know more about the Kingdom of God and so he told them a parable or a teaching story.  In this parable, a wealthy man is going on a trip and he left his servants in charge of his money.  In Jesus’ story, the money is called talents, which is a word that can mean how much gold or silver weighs.  Two of the servants used the money wisely and made even more money for their boss.  The third servant didn’t use the money in a way that would make more money.  When the wealthy man returned, he rewarded the first two servants who had made him even more money.  He was very angry with the third servant.  Let’s watch the story and see exactly what happened.

Watch this video together:


Jesus wanted his disciples, and us, to know more about the kingdom of God, so he taught using this parable or teaching story.  Jesus knew that the time was coming when he would die on the cross and then rise to new life and then return to heaven with God.  He wanted his disciples, and us, to know that when he is in heaven that he wants us to share God’s love with others.  He doesn’t want us to keep it to ourselves or bury it in a hole like that third servant did.  In fact, he wants us to use everything we have – our money, our abilities, our time, our intelligence – to share God’s grace, God’s mercy, God’s love, and God’s peace with everyone.  When we do that, it will continue to spread and grow and multiply, just like what happened with the talents that the first two servants had.  This is a great parable because it reminds us that we have an important job to do:  to love and serve others in Jesus’ name.


  • What did the third servant do with his talent/money?  What advice might the other two servants have given him?
  • Why do you think the wealthy man/Master was so angry with him?
  • What do you think Jesus is trying to teach about the abilities he has given us?


Every Move I Make.  CJ & Friends.  This is a favorite.  Sing and dance along!


Think about how much Jesus loves you.  Jesus wants you to share that love with others.  Jesus doesn’t want us to keep that love to ourselves (or bury it in a hole!).  Think of some ways you can safely help others and share God’s love even with social distancing.  Consider these:

  • Use technology to check on family or friends
  • Play a game with a friend or relative online
  • Make and send notes or cards to a healthcare worker
  • Make an encouraging sign to post on your window or fence
  • Pray for others
  • Think about someone you can love by helping them this week and answer the question “What is one thing we can safely do to help them?” and then make plans as a family to do it.


Go outside and have each person pick up a leaf.  Look at the details, like the veins and different colors.  Remember that God made each of the leaves and each is a work of art.  Consider:  What makes each leaf different other leaves?  Why do you think God cared enough to make leaves so special and beautiful when many leaves grow and die without anyone ever looking at them or thinking about their beauty?  If cares that much about leaves, how much does God care about you?  Look at your fingerprints.  Look at the lines, ridges, and swirls.  No one else has the exact fingerprint as you do.  It is one of the ways God made you special and unique.

Make a list of your hobbies, interests, abilities, or talents.  Thank God for all the ways God has made you who you are.  Consider how you might share your hobbies, interests, abilities, or talents with others…and then do it!


O God, our Creator, you have made everything living thing.  You have made us special and unique.  You have given us abilities and talents.  Help us to continue to discover all that you have blessed us with and help us always share your love with others.  We pray in Jesus’ name.  Amen.


Pastor Dan Fugate, Assistant to the Bishop for Discipleship in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod, ELCA, put this lesson together for Sunday School @ Home.  There will be a new one for each Sunday while we are unable to gather together physically in our congregational buildings.  Contact him at