I am on the mend, and I thank the many of you for messages of encouragement and prayer. Thanks to Pr Kriesel for subbing Sunday. When you have extended time off with not much to do, (and feeling less like it) there is much time for reflection and wondering.
In everyday life, I have invited us to always notice God in the moments of each day. God is not always these "lightning bolt" events, but in the subtle more common everyday/every moment parts of life, in my opinion. 
My signs from God these days:
*Red cardinals (I've always felt these beautiful birds are a sign of God from my mother) 
*Watching old shows like Brady Brunch, Gilligan's Island, cartoons and Hallmark movies!
*Cards, calls, emails and texts from the family of faith at both churches including many offers if I needed anything
*Cuddle time with my dog, Buddy, while watching great basketball (except for IU/PU!)
*My daughter, Emily, and son, Joel, constantly checking in
There's more, but as we approach Holy Week and Easter, I invite you to notice your own "God sightings" in the everyday parts of your life. And I'd love to hear about them, 
Thank you for your love, prayers, and outreach.
1) Last Wednesday night Lenten gathering, at Faith Lutheran Church, 6 p.m. Supper, 7 p.m. service
2) Holy Week Thursday, April 6, Agape Dinner at Faith, 6 p.m.  Good Friday, April 7, at St. Andrews 7 p.m. 
3) Easter Sunrise (indoor) service at 7:16 a.m at Faith. 
     Easter morning breakfast April 9, at 9 a.m., followed by our Festival Holy Communion Service of the Resurrection         at 11 a.m. at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church.
God be with you until we meet again!
+Pastor Doug