
Mark 1:14-20
Fishing for People

The beginning of our ministry as disciples of Jesus is our own calling to follow. Last week our Gospel lesson was the calling of disciples Nathaniel and Philip. Today we hear of the calling of Simon Peter, Andrew, and James and John. These are incredible moments in the story of Christ in this Epiphany season.  

Jesus calls them out of the mundane, everyday working life into something new, to be "workers” for Jesus, a higher calling if you will. And the Bible reports that both sets of men followed Jesus "at once" and "without delay (Immediately in one translation) (Mark 1:18 and 1:20). How often we the tired and overwhelmed followers of the Lord put off, delay, fail in our following. The good news is that Jesus calls again to continue following, to get up and get back on the path, to forgive ourselves and others as we have been forgiven.  

In our First lesson we learn of the call of God on Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh. Psalm 62 today starts with "For God alone my soul waits in silence, my hope is in God." The Second Lesson from First Corinthians reminds us "the present form of this world is passing away" (7:31).  The world may be passing away, but we never will! We hear and listen and act on the call of Jesus Christ to love one another, to serve and to give.

Pr. Doug

Bishop Gafkjen's Sermon and Prayers

Deacon Cory Driver's Lectionary Reflections